by Daniel Phillips


I’ve been playing with Docker recently, but not enough that I always remember the commands. Here’s my cheat sheet for future Docker use.

Cleaning up

  • Remove everything not in use with docker system prune -a


  • Pull an image with docker pull. For example: docker pull alpine
  • Remove all images not used by containers with docker image prune -a
  • cd into a directory containing a Dockerfile and build a container with docker build -t imagename .


  • Start a container from an image with docker run imagename. Docker will pull the specified image from Docker Hub if you don’t have it locally.
  • docker run -it imagename /bin/sh or docker run -it imagename /bin/bash to get an interactive shell into the container.
  • Some images specify entrypoints. In this case, override with docker run -it --entrypoint /bin/sh imagename
  • Usually, you want to use --rm when calling docker run to have the container automatically deleted when it exits. Remember that anything you store in the container filesystem will be deleted when the container is stopped!
  • Map a port from the container to your host with -p 80:4000. In this example, container port 4000 is mapped to port 80 on the host. Host first!
  • Create a bind mount with --volume $PWD:/site/. In this example, the current host working directory is mapped to /site/ in the container.